Cloth Sanding Belts 610 x 100mm Fine 120G (Pack 4) FLV26815


Availability: Out of stock

Brand: Flexovit
Weight(kg): 0.196
Barcode: gtin:3157625538887
Part No: 63642526815
Tariff Code: 68051000

Availability: Out of stock

Product Description

Flexovit cloth sanding belts are made from tough and sharp high performance Aluminium Oxide. This product is extremely durable, long lasting and suitable for use on a variety of surfaces.

Available in multiple sizes to suit most brands of belt sanders, and suitable for use on wood, paint and metal.

Pack of 4 Flexovit Cloth Sanding Belts 610 x 100mm 120g Fine

Weight 196 g
Dimensions 58 × 105 × 272 mm